Research Resources

A collection of publicly available research resources for the scientific community. If these resources benefit your research, please consider citing the relevant paper.


POSEIDON: An Open Source exoplanet atmospheric retrieval code

POSEIDON is an open source Python package that allows you to convert an exoplanet spectrum into measured properties of the planetary atmosphere.

Cthulhu: An Open Source Opacity / Cross Section Code

Cthulhu is an open source Python package that allows you to calculate molecular, atomic, and ionic cross sections for exoplanet and brown dwarf atmosphere models.

Reflection spectra repository

A database of >50,000 reflection spectra of cool giant exoplanets. The models explore the effect of temperature, gravity, metallicity, and sedimentation efficiency on the visible wavelength geometric albedo of cool giant planets. The animation below shows the prominence of water absorption signatures computed from this repository:

Please get in touch with requests for data, materials, or models related to any of my papers: